New Members

If you are new to the Morning Analysis service this page tries top bring together several resources that helps you get up to speed quickly so that the morning videos are more familiar to you.

As always if you have additional questions or issues please do reach out via the contact form and I will reply via email, typically within 24 hours.

Introduction to method of analysis

The initial request that new members usually have is a primer or introduction to the method of analysis I use. I have recorded two webinars which run through the basics and they can be found at the links below:

Back to Basics webinar
Click to view webinar

Back to Basics addendum
Click to view webinar

Charting Files

If you are a user of the Ensign 10 charting platform you are able to download my layout file which is automatically updated every night. Files are uploaded in multiple formats m for users of eSignal, DTN, FXCM and so on. You can access the layout files here

Access to chat

Once you are logged into the site you can click on the 'INTRADAY CHAT' menu option. The first time you do this you will be presented with a further login button, in the top left of the screen. Simply click on it and you will be brought into chat. There is no need to enter further login information, which will automatically entered.